Safety Slogan Generator

Slogan Ideas

Best Safety Slogans Ideas

  • A Wound Neglected May Be a Wound Infected
  • Are You Part of the Safety TEAM (Together Employees Accomplish More)
  • Stretch and Flex for Your Health and Safety
  • Accident Prevention – Your Number One Intention
  • Safety Glasses – Making Foresight 20/20!
  • No Injuries to Anyone – Ever
  • Stand Up for Safety
  • To See or Not to See – Use Eye Protection!
  • Safety In – We Win
  • Safety Gear – 2 Minutes – Risk Assessment – 5 Minutes – A Mishap That Takes a Life – Forever
  • Stop Accidents Before They Stop You
  • Triumph is Just an Umph Ahead of Try
  • Safety Fits Like a Glove – Try One On!
  • Arms Work Best When Attached to the Body
  • Always Look After No1 and If You Need Help Just Ask
  • A Good Attitude Makes Safety Work for You
  • A Safer You is a Safer Me
  • Stop! Safety Pays
  • Safety is a Cheap and Effective Insurance Policy
  • Never Forget About Safety
  • New Year Resolution – If It’s Unsafe I Will Find a Solution
  • Always Think Safety No Matter What the Task
  • At Work at Play – Let Safety Lead the Way
  • No Safety – Know Pain – Know Safety – No Pain
  • Normal Speed Meets Every Need
  • Accidents Hurt – Safety Doesn’t
  • Safety is a 2 Way Street – Look Both Ways
  • A Harness is Better Than a Hearse
  • Near Miss? Don’t Ignore It – Report It
  • To Learn About Eye Protection – Ask Someone Who Has One
  • Accidents Big or Small – Avoid Them All
  • Step Up – Be Safe – Or Step Aside
  • As Temperatures Rise – Stay Safety Wise
  • Stop Unsafe Acts Now
  • A Safety Attitude is One That Never Hurts to Take Home with You
  • Never Think Working Safe is in Vain When it Could Save a Life Time of Pain
  • Safety Has No Time Out
  • Stop! Think! Then Act!
  • Safety First Makes Us Last
  • Store Guns and Ammo Separately
  • A Spill – A Slip – A Hospital Trip
  • Support Your Local Search and Rescue Squad – Get Lost!
  • Success is No Accident
  • Anger is One Letter Away from Danger – Drive Gently
  • Tomorrow – Your Reward for Working Safely Today!
  • Never Give Safety a Day Off
  • Safety Glasses – All in Favor Say Eye
  • At Work – At Home – Let Safety Be Known
  • Safety Has No Quitting Time
  • Night Doubles Traffic Troubles

Catchy Safety Company Taglines

  • Our Job is Anchored in Safety
  • Better Dead Sure than Sure Dead
  • Before You Start – Be Safety Smart
  • Be a Safety Hero – Score an Accident Zero
  • Be Aware of Slips and Trips
  • Safety is a Way of Life
  • Safety is a Lifetime Achievement
  • One Bad Day at the Grinder Could Ruin Your Whole Life
  • One Split Second of Carelessness Could Change Your Entire Future
  • Being Accident-Free is Doing Your Part
  • Business Stalls If You Slip and Fall
  • Operating a Boat While Intoxicated is Illegal
  • Organ Donor – A Person Who Doesn’t Wear His or Her Helmet
  • Before You Do It – Take Time to Think Through It
  • Safety is a Full-Time Job – Don’t Make it a Part-Time Practice
  • Be Alert – Accidents Hurt
  • Old Fire-Fighters Never Die – They Just Stop Arson Around!
  • Safety is Free – Use It Generously
  • Be the Kind of Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
  • Safety is a Product We Can Live By
  • Better to Be Safe Than to Be Sorry!
  • Safety is a Value – Not a Priority
  • Be Aware Take Care
  • One Safe Act Can Lead to Another
  • Safety is a Frame of Mind – Get the Picture
  • Safety is a Working Tool
  • Our Aim – No Accidents
  • Safety is About Doing the Right Thing – Even If No One is Looking
  • Be Hand-in-Glove with Safety
  • Safety is Everybody’s Job
  • Safety is as Simple as ABC – Always Be Careful
  • Being Safe is Like Breathing You Never Want to Stop
  • Safety is Like a Lock – But You Are the Key!
  • One Rung Too High and You Could Die
  • Our Paramedics Give you a Charge!
  • Better to Lock Out Than Luck Out
  • Safety is a Frame of Mind
  • Only Fools Break Safety Rules

Unique Fire Protection Slogans List

  • Do Your Work With Pride – Put Safety in Every Stride
  • Don’t Get Caught with Your Guard Off – It Could be Disarming!
  • Put Safety First – Prevent the Worst
  • Don’t Be a Fool – Cause Safety is Cool – So Make that Your Rule
  • Positive Attitudes Have Positive Influence on Safety
  • Pencils Have Erasers – Mishaps Don’t!
  • Prevent Hunting Accidents – Know Your Target Before You Shoot
  • Safety is No Accident
  • Prepare & Prevent Instead of Repair & Repent
  • Play it Safe
  • Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance
  • Safety is Not Automatic – Think About It
  • Plan and Practice Exit Drills in the Home
  • Don’t Get Spooked by Safety
  • Don’t Be Safety Blinded – Be Safety Minded
  • Dare to Be Aware
  • Dig in Your Heels Against Accidents
  • Protect Your Hands – Use Your Head
  • Prevent Boating Accidents – Take a Small Boat Safety Course
  • Don’t Lose Your Head to Gain a Minute, You’ll Need Your Head, Your Brain is in It!
  • Drive as If Every Child on the Street Were Your Own
  • Don’t Fix the Blame – Fix the Problem
  • Don’t Let the Light Go Out – Wear Eye Protection
  • People Helping People – Lending Hands for Our Safety
  • Personal Floatation Devices – Don’t Leave the Dock Without Them!
  • Don’t Be Hasty When it Comes to Safety
  • Pretend Like You’re Invisible When Driving a Motorcycle or Bike – Because a Small Percentage of People Driving Cars Will Never See You
  • Death Lurks in Confined Spaces
  • Don’t Let the Safety Net Turn into a Hammock
  • Put Your Brakes on Speed
  • Don’t be a Fool – Use the Proper Tool!
  • Prior to Games – Check Playing Field to Avoid Fields of Screams
  • Don’t Just Preach Safety – Profit From It
  • Protect Your Back – Use a Jack!
  • Disobedience of Traffic Rules Exterminate the Purpose of Life
  • Don’t Work Alone – Watch for Others
  • Practice Safety in All You Do – Everyone Depends on You!
  • Protect Your Hands – You Need Them to Pick Up Your Pay Check!
  • Personal Protective Equipment is Self Defense
  • Protect Your Thoughts and Wear a Hard Hat
  • Do the Do’s Not the Don’ts
  • Put Safety into Action – The Wishbone Will Never Replace the Backbone
  • Put Safety into Action – Stay Out of Traction!
  • Don’t Get Caught in the Web of Unsafe Acts
  • Safety is Not an Accident
  • Don’t Put Your Life on the Line in 2009 – Think Safety
  • Play it Safe in the Water – Swim in Areas with Life Guards
  • Don’t Learn Safety by Accident
  • Practice Fire Safety – Watch What You Heat
  • Drive with Reason this Holiday Season

Popular Safety Taglines

  • For a Good Time – Dial 911 – Operators are Standing By!
  • Safe Operators Are Smooth Operators
  • Safety Can Distinguish You Lack of Safety Can Extinguish You
  • Forget the Nurse With Safety First
  • Safety – It’s the Tool for Life
  • Safety – Do It For Life
  • Safety – You Will Regret If You Forget
  • Safety First – Avoid the Worst!
  • Safety – Live With It
  • Safety – It’s in Your Hands
  • Safety and Quality Go Hand in Hand
  • Safety First – Please Remember
  • Safety – It’s for Life
  • Safe to Do? Ask
  • Safe Actions Bring Lasting Satisfaction
  • Fail Safety and It Will Fail You
  • Falling Objects Can Be Brutal If You Don’t Protect Your Noodle
  • Safety Begins With No 1
  • Safety – The Measure of Success
  • Safety – Always in Season
  • Safety – Do It – Do It Right – Do It Right Now
  • Safe and Healthy!
  • Safety – A Good Friend to Take Home
  • Safety – Everyone’s Full-Time Job
  • Safety – Expect the Unexpected
  • SAFE – Staying Accident-Free Everywhere
  • Safety – Standards We Set to Accomplish the Goals We Strive For
  • Failing to Prepare = Prepare to Fail
  • Safety – A Small Investment for a Rich Future
  • Safety Doesn’t Slow the Job Down but Mishaps Do
  • Forgot Your Hearing Protection? Forget About Hearing!
  • Safety Always in Season
  • Safe Today- Alive Tomorrow
  • Safety Awareness Saves Lives
  • Flesh and Bone Are No Match for a Grinding Stone
  • Safety – Behavior for Life
  • Safety – Like a Good Retirement Plan – Provides for a Better Tomorrow!
  • Safety Begins with Teamwork
  • Safety – It Can Charm You – Or Alarm You!
  • Safety by Choice – Not by Chance!
  • Follow Traffic Rules – Save Your Future
  • Safety Conscious – Smart Obvious
  • Safety Comes Before Schedule Only in the Dictionary
  • Safe Crane Operation is Uplifting
  • Safety First – Last and Always
  • Safety – Been There – Done That
  • Safety – It’s the Real Thing
  • Safety is a State of Mind – Accidents Are an Absence of Mind
  • Safety – It’s Where We Want to Go Today
  • Safety – Do It For Family

Cool Safety Slogans

  • Guard Against Man Eating Machines
  • Make Safety First – And Make it Last
  • Seat Belts Are for Kids – Hug Them at Home – Belt Them in the Car
  • Machine Guards Keep You on Your Side
  • Safety Wins the Checkered Flag
  • Safety Starts With Me
  • Safety: To Be or Not to Be – There’s No Question About It!
  • Slow Down! Your Family Will Be Waiting for You
  • Safety You do Make a Difference
  • Safety Will Improve – By Controlling Every Move
  • Safety’s the Key to Accident-Free
  • Smoke Detectors Make Good Stocking Stuffers
  • Safety Ventured – Safety Gained
  • Make Your Plant the Best – Safer Than All the Rest
  • Make Safety a Part of Your Workday
  • Generating Safety – Is a Mega-Watt Savings
  • Get Smart! Use Safety From the Start
  • Save Life to Obey the Traffic Rules
  • Safety- A Commitment to Yourself
  • Mow Across the Slope When Using a Hand Mower – Drive Up and Down the Slope for Stability When Using a Riding Mower
  • Safety Rules Are Your Best Tools
  • Make Safety a Priority
  • More Waste Prevention + More Recycling = Less Waste = Less Landfill
  • Safety Starts with S but Begins With You
  • Safety Steps – The Walk of Life
  • Make Safety a Virtual Reality
  • Safety You Will Regret If You Forget
  • Get in High-Speed Pursuit of Safety
  • Move Your Ladder to Avoid Reaching
  • Slip – Trip and Fall are Four-Letter Words
  • Macho Does Not Prove Mucho – Do It Safely
  • Safety’s Intention is Accident Prevention
  • Mixing Bleach and Ammonia Can Be Deadly
  • Santa Likes a Clean Chimney – So Do We
  • Get the Safety Habit
  • My Job Provides My Paycheck – But Safety Takes Me Home
  • Safety Works When People Work Together
  • Save Tomorrow Think Safety Today
  • Safety Turns Me On
  • Search & Rescue Officers Do it Any Time – Any Place – Under Any Conditions – And They Do It for Free
  • Get the Safety Itch
  • Shortcuts Don’t Cut it
  • Shortcuts Cut Life Short
  • Make Safety a Reality and Don’t Be a Fatality
  • Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Save Lives
  • Mowing and Drinking Doesn’t Cut it
  • Safety Will Set You Free
  • Momma Didn’t Raise No Fool – I Use PPE to Stay Cool!
  • Safety Wins the Gold
  • Safety Saves – Accidents Cost You

Good Safety Slogans

  • Have Your Chimney Inspected by a Professional Before Each Heating Season
  • Take Time Out for Safety
  • Think Safety and Act Safely
  • Health & Safety – Words to Live by
  • The Safe Way is the Only Way
  • The Goal Must Be Zero Accidents
  • There he Lies Some 6-feet Under Didn’t Heed the Roaring Thunder
  • This Machine Can Kill You
  • The Stupid Shall be Punished
  • The Right Way is the Safe Way
  • There’s No Face Like Your Own – Wear Face Protection
  • Those Precious Fingers Don’t Ignore or They Could End Up on the Floor
  • The Price of an Accident is Always High
  • Team Safety – It’s Just Good Business
  • Hug Your Kids at Home – But Belt Them in the Car!
  • Hand in – Hamburger Out
  • Have Another Day
  • Think Safety – Because I Love You, Man
  • There Aren’t Many New Accidents – But There Sure Are a lot of New Victims
  • The Chance Taker is the Accident Maker
  • The Earth Spins at 1,000 mph – Wear Your Seat Belts!
  • Take Care Working with Chemical Baths or You May End Up Taking a Shower
  • The Best Car Safety Device is a Rear-View Mirror with a Cop in It
  • The Hotter It Gets on the Outside – The More Water You Need Inside
  • The Key to Long Life is to Live Safety
  • Hearing Protection is a Sound Investment
  • There Are No Shortcuts to Anyplace Worth Getting
  • Hard Hats – They’re Not Just for Decoration
  • The Best Safety Device is a Safe Worker
  • Think Sharp – Never Handle Broken Glass with Bare Hands!
  • Hear Today – Gone Tomorrow – Use Your Hearing Protection!
  • There is No such thing as New Accidents – Just New Victims
  • Team Up to Safety!
  • Think Positive an Accident is Only an Attitude Away
  • Have Another Day – By Being Safe Today!
  • The Door to Safety Swings on the Hinges of Common Sense
  • The Safety Risk is the One You Didn’t Take
  • Think Safety – It Couldn’t Hurt
  • The Only Excuse for Poor Safety is Poor Planning
  • Think Safety 1st
  • Have You an Eye for Safety or Are You Blinded by Bad Habits
  • Think Safety Before You Start
  • Think Safety Avoid Unsafe Acts
  • Take the Extra Step for Safety
  • This Tool Will Punch You in the Face – If You Let It
  • The Difference Between Preaching and Practicing Safety is Measured One Safety Rep at a Time
  • The Safe Way is the Best Way
  • The Adage Look Before You Leap is a Lifesaver
  • The Safe Way is the Right Way
  • The Essence of Road Safety is to Live Healthily

Funny Safety Taglines

  • If the Little Voice Says – I Wonder If This is Safe to Do? It Probably Isn’t
  • If You Drink and Drive – You Might as Well Smoke
  • Safety Never Takes a Holiday
  • If You Are Aware of It, Take Care of It
  • It’s Not How Fast You Go It’s Knowing When to Go Slow
  • Informed is Better Than Deformed
  • Use Safety as a Vital Tool – At Work, It’s the Golden Rule
  • Safety Rep at a Time
  • Unnecessary Risks May Leave You on the Sidelines Instead of in the Game
  • It’s Better to Correct an Unsafe Friend than to Bury One
  • Use Your Eyes – Don’t Lose Them
  • Safety First – To Last
  • It Hurts to Be Unsafe
  • If You Fidget with Safety You Could Lose a Digit
  • If You Don’t Have Time to Do It Safe – Do You Have Time to Do It With a Man Down?
  • Ice Skating on Thin Ice Can Be Deadly – Skate in Supervised Areas
  • If Everything Comes Your Way – You Are in the Wrong Lane
  • Use Your Wits – Use Padded Mitts!
  • Unsafe Acts Will Keep You in Stitches
  • If You Think Your Safety Specialist is a Pin – Try a Leg Fracture
  • In Case of Injury Remember RICE – Rest – Ice – Compress – Elevate
  • If You Don’t Know What is Going to Happen – There is No Way to Stop It. Plan Ahead for Safety
  • If You Smell Something Bad – Get Out of the Lab
  • Invest in Tomorrow Practice Safety Today
  • Is Better to Crash Into a Nap Than to Nap Into a Crash
  • If You Can’t Find the Time to Do It Right – When Will You Find the Time to Do It Over?
  • Unprepared = Unsafe
  • If Caught in a Riptide – Go With the Flow
  • If You Think Safety is Expensive – Try Ignorance
  • Safety Records Don’t Happen by Accident
  • If You Can’t Be Good – Be Careful. If You Can’t Be Careful – We’ll Get a Call
  • Use the Right Tool for the Job
  • If You Leave Accidents Behind Don’t Leave a Forwarding Address
  • Use Your Head Figuratively – Wear a Helmet!
  • If In Doubt Check it Out – Safety First
  • Ignoring a Warning Can Cause Much Mourning
  • It’s Better to Lose One Minute in Life than to Lose Life in a Minute
  • Using Safety Gloves is All in Your Hands
  • Is There a Special Hazard to Learn of a Chemical You Work with – So You Won’t Get Burned?
  • Safety Never Hurts!
  • If the Cord Has a Fray – Throw it Away!
  • Safety Pays All Ways
  • Safety Pays
  • If You Don’t Think It Will Happen To You – Find the Person Who Had it Happen to Them
  • Safety Rules Are There to Follow So Take Care and We Will See You Tomorrow
  • If You’re Going to be Stupid – You Have to be Tough!
  • It’s Easier to Ask a Dumb Question Than it is to Fix a Dumb Mistake
  • If You Mess Up – ‘Fess Up
  • It’s Not the Bullet That Kills You – It’s the Hole – Call 911
  • Incidents Are a Free Lesson – Report It

Clever Fire Protection Slogans

  • KISS – Keep it Safe and Sound
  • We Need You – Work Safely
  • Working Safely Each Day Will Keep the Doctor Away
  • Knock Out Accidents
  • When Walkways Freeze – Walk Safely Please
  • When in Doubt – Safety Wins Out
  • Why Wear Safety Glasses? If Not – You May End up in the Dark
  • Working Together Gets the Job Done Safely
  • When You’re Out on the Water – Don’t Forget the Basics of Safe Boating
  • When Putting Away a Chemical Shipment – Remember Personal Protective Equipment
  • Wishing Won’t Keep You Safe – Safety Will
  • Safety It’s My Job
  • When Jogging – Run Against the Traffic Flow
  • Wear a Bicycle Helmet to Prevent Serious Head Injuries
  • Watch What You Heat
  • Keep a Grip on Life and Protect Your Hands
  • Keep Your Eyes on Safety
  • Work Safely or Hurt Greatly
  • Why Learn the Hard Way? Obey Safety Rules
  • What You Don’t Know About Safety Could Hurt You
  • When Everything Else Fails – Follow the Instructions
  • Watch Your Step – It Could be Your Last
  • Wear Safety Shoes and Keep a Good Footing on Life
  • When in Doubt Get Out
  • When It Seems There is Never Enough Time to Do Things the Right Way – Remember There is Always Enough Time for an Investigation
  • Know Safety No Accidents
  • While on a Ladder – Never Step Back to Admire Your Work
  • Keep Safety in Mind – It Will Save Your Behind
  • Wear the Right Protective Equipment for the Job
  • Working Safely May Get Old – But So Do Those Who Practice It
  • Know Safety – No Injury – No Safety – Know Injury
  • Wipe Up and Avoid a Slip-Up
  • Wear an Approved Bike Helmet When You Go Bike Riding – It Could Save Your Life!
  • Work Safe Today – Heaven Can Wait
  • Keep Your Kids Safe – They’ll Choose Your Nursing Home!
  • When Disconnecting Cords – Pull the Plug Rather than the Cord
  • When You’re Done Messin’ Up – Sweep Your Darn Resin Up
  • Work Safely Today and Every Day
  • When It’s Hot – Drink Plenty of Fluids
  • Work Together – Work Safely
  • Keep Your Kids Safe -They’ll Choose Your Nursing Home
  • Working Safely Keeps Everyone Working
  • Working Safely is Like Breathing – If You Don’t – You Die!
  • We All Want to Go Home to Our Families at the End of the Day
  • Safety It Can Charm You – Or Alarm You!
  • What’s It Worth – Safety First
  • When Safety is First – You Last
  • Wear Personal Flotation Devices – They Float – You Don’t!
  • When You Gamble with Safety – You Bet Your Life
  • When in Doubt – Check it Out

Safety Company Slogan Ideas

  • Let Safety Be a Sponge – Soak It Up
  • Look Sharp – Don’t get Cut
  • Safety is the Key to Life – Don’t Get Locked Out
  • Life Did Not Begin by Accident. Don’t End It as One
  • Your Safety Gears Are Between Your Ears
  • You Get the Level of Safety That You Are Prepared to Walk Past
  • Safety is Our Business Too
  • Safety isn’t a Hobby – It’s a Living
  • Zero Is Not On Safety
  • Your Future Brightens with Safety
  • Safety is Our Life Line
  • Safety isn’t for Helping You Up – It’s to Keep You From Falling
  • Your Accidents Affect Others Too
  • Luck Runs Out – But Safety is Good for Life
  • Lifting’s a Breeze When You Bend at the Knees
  • Lead the Way – Safety Today
  • Leave Firework Displays to Professionals
  • Safety is Something You Learn From the Start
  • Safety is of the Essence
  • You Can Profit From Safety or Recover Without It
  • You Come into This World Tied Off – So Stayed Tied Off
  • Light Up Your Christmas Tree – Not Your Home – Use Approved Decorations and Lights
  • You Can Eat with False Teeth – But You Can’t See with a Glass Eye
  • You Get What You Inspect – Not What You Expect
  • You Light ’em – We Fight ’em – You Crash – We Dash
  • Lift With Your Legs – Not Your Back
  • Zero Tolerance on Safety
  • Learn From Others Mistakes – Don’t Have Others Learn From You
  • You Can Never Over Do Safety
  • Safety Is Your Life’s Work
  • Lift Smart – Think – Then Start
  • Safety is Our Goal What’s Yours?
  • Yes Safety is My Business
  • Safety is Something You Can Not Live Without
  • Leave Horse Play to Horses
  • You Can’t Get Home – Unless You’re Safe
  • Zero Compromise Towards Safety
  • Safety is Something You Learn From the Start – Being Accident-Free is Doing Your Part
  • You, Will, Achieve the Level of Safety Excellence That You Demonstrate Your Wants
  • Safety is Success by Purpose – Not Accident
  • Leave Sooner – Drive Slower – Live Longer
  • Safety is You
  • Safety is the Light – Let It Shine
  • Living With Your Mistakes is Harder Than You Think Wear Your Safety Gear
  • Safety Isn’t Expensive It’s Priceless
  • You Can’t Cure Stupidity
  • Your Good Health is Your Greatest Wealth
  • You Bet Your Life When You Take a Chance
  • Your Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility – Especially Yours
  • You Fall – You Call – We Haul – That’s All

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